Financial Support

Graduate Student Assistantships

Most horticulture graduate students receive some financial support from a variety of sources:

  • Departmental graduate assistantships with responsibilities in teaching or research,
  • Faculty-supported graduate research assistantships,
  • Student-obtained fellowships, scholarships, or grants, and
  • External employment or other personal support.

Departmental graduate assistantships are awarded competitively based on academic qualifications and leadership potential. Foreign students may be eligible for Departmental assistantships after at least one year’s enrollment at WSU.

Understanding Graduate Financial Support

To apply for an assistantship, you must indicate you are seeking a teaching and/or research assistantship on your general graduate online application.

Qualifications and eligibility requirements for other forms of funding, including faculty-supported assistantships, vary according to the source of the funds.

  • Research assistantships are often funded from a faculty member’s grant, so it’s important for you to contact faculty who share your interests. Visit the Department’s People page to find faculty who share your interests.
  • State-funded teaching and research assistantships may be available on a competitive basis. Please contact the department for more information.

Most students receiving assistantships receive a waiver that covers most of the costs of tuition. Students must reside in Washington state while funded on assistantships. Assistantship appointments are from August 16 through May 15. A student’s graduate advisor may be able to provide summer support.


Incoming Students

Please view the Tuition and Finances page to learn more about financing your education.

Current Graduate Students

Please use the links below to learn more about scholarship opportunities.